Well, some of the ideas could be
- Creating unique in-game language, which would exist only in the game, with simple grammar and words, so people could learn it fast and use it practically (that would involve creating some sets of tutorials, lessons, dictionaries),
-Mixing all most popular languages (in terms of words) and simplifying grammar ( The questions are - how to measure popularity ?, and how to merge Americano-European languages with all these freaky arabic /asian ones which are totally different )
- Adding English lessons to the game ,with guides how to use the knowledge in most effective way, I haven’t seen that in any online rpg game (hidden added –value service ? )
Well 'Dristin Yeah'..., The idea of RPG games is to role-fucking-play, most of the people dont feel the spirit (they play something because "others" play too), what for example may result in ppl spamming GOOOOOL all 90 minutes long on the trade chat while thier bot is advancing char from lev 100 to 105.. as if they couldn’t wank themselves instead…